Make a lifesaving gift

Donate to Pet Pride

There are many ways to support our lifesaving mission. Your gift will make a meaningful difference in the lives of homeless cats.

Give Today

Make a one-time or recurring donation in any amount to help cats in need.

Make a gift to honor or memorialize a special pet or person.

Become a member of the Dr. Stuart Gluckman Annual Giving Circle with your pledge of $500 or more per year.

Wish Lists

Make our wishes come true by purchasing items from any of these three lists! Drop off donations at our sanctuary during open hours or have them shipped directly to us. Please include your name and contact information so that we can acknowledge your gift.

We are always in need of the items on this list.

Memorial Brick

Honor the life of a beloved pet or family member with a personalized memorial brick for our Memory Path.

Planned Giving

Leave your own legacy and be a part of Pet Pride’s future as a member of the Jacqueline Russel Society.

Donate Now

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Naming Opportunities

Room naming opportunities are available in a range of gift levels. We would be proud to hang a plaque in your honor or in honor or memory of a loved one to acknowledge your generosity.

Email for Information

Honoring OUR Co-FOunder'S LEGACY

Planned Giving with the
Jacqueline Russel Society

Named for Pet Pride’s co-founder and past president, the Jacqueline Russel Society illuminates Jacqueline's remarkable and lasting legacy and celebrates those individuals who have included Pet Pride in their estate plan. A true visionary with a passionate commitment to Pet Pride’s future, Jacqueline was instrumental in the process of planning and raising funds for the construction of Pet Pride’s permanent sanctuary in Victor, New York. By joining the Jacqueline Russel Society, you align yourself with others who have demonstrated their long-term commitment to Pet Pride and its lifesaving mission. You can leave your own legacy and be a part of Pet Pride’s future. For more information, please contact us at

Honoring OUR Co-FOunder's SERVICE

Dr. Stuart Gluckman Annual Giving Circle

The Dr. Stuart Gluckman Annual Giving Circle is named to honor Pet Pride’s co-founder, president, and medical director for the innumerable contributions he has made over more than four decades of service. Dr. Gluckman’s dedication, leadership, and compassion for animals and their caregivers provide daily inspiration to all of us at Pet Pride. By becoming a sustaining member of the Circle, you join a community of caring individuals who believe that every cat deserves a loving, permanent home. Your generous support will provide critical annual funds to help us maintain and grow our programs. Help shape the future of Pet Pride and the lives of all of the cats and kittens we serve.  For more information, please contact us at

Annual giving levels:
Supporter - $500; Caregiver -$ 1,000; Companion - $ 2,000; Guardian - $ 3,500; Protector- $ 5,000; Advocate -$ 10,000+